Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, February 13, 2024
No One Offers Reparation to Christ-God
Message of the Virgin Mother to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on April 15, 2012

In the light of Heaven, dressed all in white, the Virgin Mother appears to me. The sweetness of Her face gives me such peace. Her eyes express thoughtfulness, care. It is so heavenly to see Her in the splendor of the Trinity. Our Lady says thus:
Hail My beloved. It is I, the Lady, the Mother, the Queen, Coredemptrix of Christ. Through this My Apparition in Brindisi I ask for unbounded prayer, fasting, penance, reparation.
In Brindisi the Message of Fatima is brought to fulfillment.
In the Vision I showed Lucia - the Third SECRET of Fatima - I showed the ruthless persecution that will be unleashed. The false Christians will arm themselves with hypocrisy and making a false gospel, they will reject the Tradition and the Magisterium of the Holy Church, trying to kill the true Christians, who will live in the Grace of the Lord - Lucia also speaks of a bishop dressed in white distinguishing him from the Pope, who appears later in the Secret -.
Such a revolution will be terrible. It is already taking place, but as time goes on it will be more bloody.
They will try to take away the Papacy and the Holy Eucharist, because the satanic church, animated by the Spirit of the Antichrist, is not in communion with God, so they will want to eliminate Communion.
Those who are part of this false world Masonic church are already deprived of communion with God, serving nefarious plans, contrary to the Law of the Father. Therefore, every curse launched against My Appeals will fall on them, and it will apply to themselves-that is, they themselves will enter into automatic excommunication-and it will not apply to My Interventions, nor to the Little Flock that will follow Me.
Understand then that the increase of My Apparitions is a preparation for the clash between the false church and the true church.
I am preparing you for the Battle, My Battle against the Beast and the 10 kings of the Antichrist. (The European Union)
Rome will lose the high road, follow the Antipope, and oppose the true CATHOLIC faith.
There will be a lack of holy pastors, and there where they are formed, they will be formed according to the nefarious and anti-Christian sect, to create rifts and spread new heresies.
In the seminaries, the love of sacrifice and poverty will not be transmitted, but the love of pleasures and worldliness. In the lands where I come there will be elected bishops, unrighteous people devoted to Satan, so that they will destroy what I have built, in order to reach high summits in the Holy House. (Omitted)
Mankind is far, far from the way of salvation and wanders like a blind woman, seeking happiness in material things.
This generation is perverse, idolatrous, deaf to Divine Appeals. Let the ministers of My Son Jesus know that unless they move quickly to proclaim the holy Gospel of the Immolated Lamb, the Earth will be covered with thick darkness and the devil will take many with him.
Darkness will descend for Three days and Three nights, the sun will no longer be visible and it will be God's chastisement that will cleanse the world. If the world continues to deny the divinity of Jesus and does not recognize Him as the only Savior, a very great war will take place involving the nations. It will be the third world war. Godless Nations will clash, because God will abandon the Peoples who have denied Him to war.
Blood will flow everywhere, not even the churches of My Son will be spared. The slaughter will be great.
Clouds of thick black smoke will rise from the ground, obscuring the sky which will be like a fiery furnace and the air will become unbreathable.
Wherever people will turn their gaze, they will see desolation and death. The dead will be envied.
I, Heavenly Mother, am preparing My holy shelters everywhere, for where My holy foot will have been placed, no evil will come. I am already rebuilding what has fallen.
The places of My Apparitions will be bright and there those who maintain the virtue of faith will take refuge. In the places of My Visitations, true devotion to My Immaculate Heart and true faith in God will be kept alight.
Our Lord is greatly offended. No one offers reparation to Christ-God. Many of those who profess to be Christians do not walk with Jesus. Many of those who profess to be Christians are closed to love.
My child, I am very sorrowful in the depths of My Motherly Heart. My Heart is crowned with prickly thorns that only soul-hosts can eradicate. I call the world to conversion.
If this does not happen, if My gifts are still trampled upon and insulted, if everything remains as now, the Earth will be a Gethsemane and these two chastisements will come true: the three days of darkness and the great war.